How many of you are with me on this? where we put off the celebration of anything and everything for a future date. We need everything to be perfect to celebrate. Either something is missing or something is not good enough to celebrate.
But here is the real deal. How often do we say 'Good Job Universe, this is so perfect' or 'Perfect timing Universe, thank you so much for that'
The more we do that, the more we can attract reasons to appreciate, love, and celebrate.
So start celebrating everything. Pump your fists in the air and tell the
Universe ' Awesome job, that was just perfect. Thank you so much for giving me
exactly what I wanted at the perfect timing'.
Invariably, you'll
start noticing more and more coincidences, things falling into place
amazingly. You'll feel the nudge of the Universe in the right direction, and
you will even be able to read the signs from the Universe more
This I can guarantee you from experience as the surprises get more and more fun to watch and notice. Problems get solved more easily, and it feels so good to experience the divine connection.
Here is a small example of how the Universe talks to us in our daily life. I had been high-fiving the Universe for perfect timing for a few days now. A couple of days back, I walked out of my room into another room with a battery-operated gadget. But within a couple of minutes of turning it on the battery died. I knew better than to be annoyed by now. So as I walked back to my room to change the battery, I asked the Universe, what are you trying to tell me?
And sure enough, as I entered my room, I saw a squirrel trying to sneak in through the window. If it had entered in, the chaos in the room would have been crazy. Just the simple act of the battery dying at the perfect time, brought me back to my room to save it from what surely would have been almost an hour's work of damage control.
Every day, our lives are filled with innumerable gifts of perfect timing from the Universe. All we need to do is just celebrate it, appreciate and acknowledge the gift. Let the Universe know, and watch the magic.
Talk to the Universe. Talk through EFT, talk just like that, talk like a
friend. Just start talking and start celebrating.
Let's move into this place of high vibration together. Please check out the packages from 'Work With me'
Or simple skype me: