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EFT Tap - For believing in miracles

It has been a long time since I've posted here. But considering the current circumstances, with Coronavirus turning all our lives upside down, panic and fear looming large, one sentence mentioned by a friend stood out to me. "I believe in miracles." So how is it possible to even think of miracles with countries all over the world going into lockdown.

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I tapped on it and I am sharing a few EFT scripts to help you also tap on it. It is my sincere belief that if we all can focus our miracles, it is bound to happen. So here it is:

KC Point - Even though I am really scared worried and stressed now and have no idea how to focus on miracles, I still love accept and forgive myself.

KC Point  - Even though the whole world is really scared, worried, stressed, confused and anxious now and have no idea how to focus on miracles, I still love accept and forgive myself.

KC Point - Even though none of us have any idea how long is this going to last and what kind of impact it is going to have and how are we ever going to get through this, it is really crazy out there and it is impossible  to focus on miracles, I still love accept and forgive myself.

EB point - I am really scared, anxious, stressed and worried.

SE point - I cannot even think of miracles right now.

UE point - The whole world is really scared, anxious, stressed and worried.

UN point - I don't even know how to think of or believe in miracles right now.

CH point - Countries all over the world are shutting down. It is really really scary.

CB point -  How am I to believe in miracles at this point?

OH point - It is impossible for me to imagine any miracles now.

EB point - It feels so challenging.

SE point - But miracles are happening around me even now.

UE point - But it is hiding behind all this stress, anxiety, fear and worry.

UN point - I just cannot see them, so how to believe in them.

CH point -  But just because I cannot realize it, it does not mean miracles are not happening this very second.

CB point -  It is too hard to focus on miracles with so much anxiety in  the news, social media and the situations around me.

OH point -  But the miracles are still happening,  they are just hiding behind all this.

EB point - The sun is still rising.

SE point - The stars are still shining.

UE point - The breeze is still blowing.

UN point - The flowers are still blooming

CH point -  I am still breathing

CB point -  Each of this is a miracle.

OH point -  I've personally experienced so many miracles when things have been hopeless before.

EB point - This is one such situation.

SE point - And I choose to believe in the power of miracles.

UE point - The universe, divine, god, and supreme power are way bigger than all these problems.

UN point - And I choose to believe in them.

CH point -  I choose to believe in the power of the collective prayer of humanity.

CB point -  I choose to believe in miracles.

OH point -  I now believe in miracles.

EB point - I believe in the energy of prayers

SE point -  I believe in miracle energy within each one of us.

UE point - Combined together, it is a powerful force.

UN point - I trust, I hope and I have faith.

CH point -  In the power of miracles.

CB point -  I trust in the divine. After all, I've been guided by the divine to focus on miracles.

OH point -  I now believe in miracles. I am now receiving miracles.

 Take a deep breath, repeat as necessary. Improvise and just keep doing it... Coz miracles are happening. We have to just choose to receive it.

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