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Work With Me

Heal your Relationships
Be it your relationship with yourself or a loved one, there may be some challenging times. Mistakes could have happened from either side. But if the relationship could use a bit of healing, with the help of EFT & Guided Meditation and/or Hypnotherapy, connect with me and I'll guide you through.

Improve your Finances/Career Growth
Do you want to know, identify, understand any possible blocks that may stand in the way of your career growth? Or would you like to improve your work-life balance? Or maybe even improve your work atmosphere? Do you need some answers to know what steps to take next in your career? If so, do get in touch.

Physical/Emotional Healing
Good health is possibly our most precious commodity. The connection between physical wellbeing and our emotions is also immense and more often than not, most of our physical ailments have their root in some deep-rooted emotions. EFT is an excellent tool to unearth those emotions in the most gentle loving way and a combination of EFT with Guided Meditation and Hypnotherapy is a powerful concoction to allow the body to connect with its own healing abilities. This is not a substitute for any medical treatment. It however can work beautifully alongside it, thus speeding up the healing process. 

Freedom from Stress
Stress has a way of creeping into our lives and settling there, silently impacting our lives in so many ways. It can result in multiple side effects. There are multiple ways to reclaim our lives from this stress and protect ourselves in the future too, by identifying and releasing our trigger points to the source of this stress. EFT has a wonderful way of accomplishing that. Would you like to free yourself from stress and protect yourself from stress triggers? Give yourself a chance to explore life without stress.

Freedom from Social Anxiety
This fast-paced world needs interactions with others in all aspects of life. An inability to do so can affect lives in more ways than one. But it does not have to be a permanent feature of your life. Social anxiety can be addressed in a gentle yet effective way to build confidence, attract more friends and maybe even just make daily interactions easier and more joyful.   

Release past Traumas/Hurt
Do you feel weighed down by something inexplicable or have repeating patterns in your life and have no idea why it is happening? Do you have a constant memory of something that has happened a while ago, but cannot seem to let it go or move on? Do you feel you are carrying something around with you, that does not serve you well, but have no idea how to let it go? Allow EFT to help you release it so you can reconnect with your freedom and best self again. 

Improve Self Confidence/Self Esteem
Do you feel you have the potential to be a lot more but are feeling blocked because of low self confidence and self esteem? Would you like to see how special you really are, so you can appreciate your own values, thus shining your light out into the world for others to see it too?  Then it is time to unleash your true value. 

Heal from Breakups
Breakups are unfortunate, yet sometimes a necessity. The pain and the hurt from a breakup can heal over time, but if it is affecting all aspects of life to a very high extent and you feel you can benefit from some amount of help, then why not try energy healing with EFT & Guided Meditation and/or Hypnotherapy, to not just ease the hurt, but also to get to a healthier place in life.

Manifestation Visualization
What are the goals you want to achieve? Have you tried manifesting it, but find yourself blocked because of various doubts, lack of clarity or just because the end goal seems to keep changing? Try this package of EFT and Guided Meditation, specially made to help you realize your goals while overcoming all the other unhelpful factors on the way. 

Surrogate Tapping
There are times when it is extremely tough for us to work with EFT for ourselves or others. During those times, I can offer to do Surrogate EFT. I'll be working based on all the inputs I receive. This is mainly used to ease any kind of physical, mental, or emotional distress. Nothing in Surrogate EFT will go against the FREE WILL of the person on behalf of whom it is done. This is not a substitute for any medical treatment.

For all of you who have already worked with me, I am offering these subscription packages from 1 month to 6 months. This can be used to review and work on any residual issues or just work for positive reinforcements. We will be working with a combination of modalities to ensure your path of progress stays strong.

Everything Else
If there is anything else that you may want to work with, that has not been covered in the other packages, do get in touch to create a custom package. As mentioned earlier, these methods have incredible possibilities and the only limitation comes if we don't try them on everything. You can try EFT along with Guided Meditation and Hypnotherapy on just about anything. 

*All image credits -

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